Wednesday, 11 July 2012



I shall start with the image of a snarl of cables, wrapped around themselves and apparently inextricably tangled. They snake across the floor of a windowless room, connecting unknown pieces of equipment to each other in an arcane pattern. The air hums with a net of electromagnetism and audio feedback

I shall add a second image to this: a glass ball, or sealed bottle containing a labyrinth of red string and shreds of metallic foil, buried under the threshold of a dwelling, or standing sentinel at a window. The connection between 

The first image is a recording studio, the second a charm that was known as a “witch trap”.

The spectral, understood as a liminal state of being (un-dead), is an integral part of our electronic ecosystem. Recording and sound manipulation technology gives rise to the existence of ghosts; or maybe it is more accurate to say that these technologies have provided the spectral with an hospitable environment. There are obvious examples such as EVP(electric voice phenomenon),  Some people believe that the voices of the dead sometimes manifest on magnetic tapes and more latterly digital media, this is known as Electronic Voice Phenomenon (EVP). The website of the EVP Research Association UK advises that “You will find that analogue recordings contain a high level of background hiss, which is where many of the voices can be found during analysis”. As far as digital recorders go, they say that they are “[…]most effective for capturing EVP when used on the lowest quality settings. These settings appear to generate a higher degree of background hiss […]” ( Accessed 17/01/12) The spectral manifests itself in noise. 

There is also the spectral powers the technology itself.

A paranormal and ghost hunters’ site expresses some excitement at predictions of solar storms: "Solar Flare activity and Geomagnetic Field activity seems to affect the amount of ghost activity [...]Spirits often tap into normal electrical sources such are electrical appliances and batteries to get this energy." (emphasis mine). There is, interestingly, another site that describes a piece of technology similar to the witch trap described above - 

"The sprite trap is created from a blackthorn stave and copper wire that has never carried electricity. During a ritual process, the copper wire is bound to the stave with red thread and the stave is marked with a Dag (or D) rune.[...] After the sprite trap has captured a spirit, it is removed from the location and the red thread is cut with a consecrated knife; the thread is then placed into a prepared witch bottle." One wonders why the copper wire should never have carried electricity if it is to be efficacious. Perhaps once it has been a conduit for the lumeniferous ether, it remains forever open to it and the sprite can simply slip away.

Which brings me back to my linked images of the spirit catching charms and the recording studio.

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